Monday, September 30, 2019

Learning Visual Basic Essay

Visual Basic was a learning challenge for me. After my first assignment, I started learning from my mistakes and eventually started understanding a little more at a time. Having already learned a few basics in Web Development coding, Visual Basic was quite a bit different in programming language. Visual Basic is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), which uses a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to create and modify code that is written in a basic programming language. There are different ways to use code in Visual Basic to make time more manageable by using less lines of code. During Class we learned how to convert algorithms to programs using input, output, variables, and looping. By reading flowcharts, hierarchy charts, and pseudo code a person can analyze and process the steps on how a program is to run. There was also a discussion on the different data types and how to use them. There are 11 data types used in Visual Basic and they are:* Boolean * Byte * Currency * Data * Double * Integer * Long * Object * Single * String * Variant Using Windows Form Applications, various input/output boxes were designed and rogrammed to run by setting up variables using expressions and operators. Visual Basic could be an asset in the future as I pursue a career in Computer Science or programming. I believe this course will help by adding to the accumulating skills and could be used to open many opportunities in the Information Technology field. Learning to analyze and make decisions on various programs and their creation, Visual Basic could aid in understanding different coding concepts that may be familiar or similar.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

To what extent do sociologists agree that different levels of educational attainment are affected by genetics?

A sociologist would not agree that a student's genetic make up has an affect on their educational achievement. They would state that there is also no scientific evidence what so ever to explain or suggest that a person's chromosomes determine their successes within the education system. Instead, they would suggest that the patterns in differences of educational attainment are down to social factors. A sociologist would explain the differences in terms of human social life, groups and societies. Sociologists aim to investigate and understand the social world and human behaviour within it. They are particularly interested in the way society influences us and shapes our lives. In the past it was assumed that some strata of society were superior to others because they inherited intelligence or artist abilities along with their physical appearance from their parents. This belief in â€Å"genetic endowment† has been challenged over the past one hundred years and the â€Å"nature vs. nurture† debate continues. Many definitions have been given to explain the nature of intelligence. A simple one is â€Å"the ability to perceive and solve problems† – the nature of the problems will however depend on the society in which they exist. A lot of research has been aimed at establishing whether, and to what extent, intelligence is inherited. Conclusions have ranged from that of Watson (1931) who stated â€Å"There is no such thing as an inheritance of capacity, talent, temperament, mental constitution and characteristics†, and that of Floud, Halsey and Martin (1956), who argued â€Å"it is well known that intelligence is largely an acquired characteristic†, to that of Jensen (1969) and Eysenck (1973), who have maintained that genetic factors are much more important than environmental influences in producing differences in intelligence. Most research since has concluded that intelligence is in some measure inherited but that environmental factors can be conclusive in its development or otherwise. In Britain the major argument with regard to environment and heredity revolves around the impact in differences in academic achievement between the social classes. Although differences in measured intelligence have been taken into account, the impact of the environment upon a child's educational chances seems of much greater significance. For example, the environment will include the kind of stimulus a child receives in terms of speech, books, encouragement and example. It will include varies in facilities such as housing, computers, privacy and private tuition; it will include values of the home, area, and local peer group. Also, it will even include nutrition, for there is some evidence to suggest that severe malnutrition within the first few years can affect the development of the brain. Therefore, the differences between the environmental factors which affect the working class and middle class mean that they will seem to have a different level of intelligence. The term ‘social class' is one which involves describing a person's position in society. An individual's class is often determined by looking at either their occupation or their parent's occupation. Stats tend to show that the higher a student's social class background is, the greater the chance of that student gaining educational success. But why is this, Members of the lower classes place less value on the importance of education. This is due to the different way in which they have been socialised to believe in different norms and values. They place less emphasise on formal education as a means of personal achievement. Members of the lower classes also place less value on the importance of achieving occupational status; therefore during education they are less likely to strive to achieve top grades. Students from lower social classes tend to take into account a wider range of issues when deciding to enter higher education, in comparison to their counterparts from the higher social classes. They tend to place more importance on the expected beneficial outcomes of higher education than do students from higher social class groups. In comparison to the middle class, the working class tend to believe that there is less opportunity for personal achievement. This belief may be due to the lower value the working class place on the importance of education and higher educational status. Some sociologists also say that this may be due to the lack of opportunity which is enhanced more so, by the working class' own poor belief in themselves. This may lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy. This is the idea that the working class do not achieve educational success, as they do not believe that they will be able to achieve it, therefore not trying to strive for better attainment. This can also be a value that is taught to them by socialising institutions. For example, if a person's family are of working class and their immediate family did not do well in education, and believe that it is an institution that only benefit's the ruling classes then they are likely to pass on these values and therefore cause the child to feel the same. They therefore will also not succeed within the education system as they would think that whatever they do will not be good enough, meaning they will not strive for achievements. This is enhanced more so by streaming and setting. By using the streaming system a less able student may feel that there is no point in trying to succeed as there are too many other students who are more capable than themselves. This therefore causes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Also it has been argued that it is common for the lower groups of the streaming process tend to be from the working class. Whereas the students of the higher streams tended to be from the middle class. This could be due to more wealth meaning better educational assistance, e.g. tutoring, books and equipment, etc. leading to better educational attainment. However, it could also be due to labelling theory. The school culture tends to be middle class, e.g. type of speech etc. although schools vary in their educational objectives. They therefore, tend to enforce middle class values. Teachers are middle class and unavoidably make judgements about pupils. These judgements often affect the child's chances of educational achievement. The idea of the theory is that a teacher labels a student, according to their class by their, speech and family background. If a student is labelled in such ay to be in the working class, then the teacher may not have belief in them achieving educational success and therefore not offer them as much encouragement or push them to do better. This therefore causes these students to not seek for higher opportunities and not reach their full potential. Social research by Douglas also stressed the importance of parental attitudes determining educational success. Some researchers have suggested that middle class parents socialise their children into one set of norms and values and parents from the working class socialise their children into a different set. It has also been suggested that the values taught to the middle class contribute to the development of ambition, disciplined study and individual striving for success. These are values which are highly thought of by teachers within schools. Due to the middle class backgrounds of teachers, working class values are less likely to lead to such success as there is an emphasise put on present gratification. Sociologists say therefore that because a person is a part of a different social class, meaning their difference is only man made. Their chromosomes or genetics does not efficiently explain the difference in the working class' and middle class' educational achievement. Just as parents' expectations, attitudes and also teachers' expectations and attitudes, can be crucial in affecting the educational achievement of those from the differing class groups, so too, can these expectations and attitudes influence differential achievement between girls and boys and between people form different ethnic backgrounds. The expectations of girls being passive by teachers mean that they get labelled. They also tend to accept this label and think it natural for boys to ask questions and challenge teachers. Sociologists would say that because female students in the past did not perform as well as their male counterparts in the education system, but are now achieving better than boys, genetics is an inadequate explanation of the differences in educational success. Instead this would suggest that the feminist movement has led to the changing of attitudes towards women's roles in society and in turn their aspirations and expectations for career opportunities (79% of women said they wanted to develop a career). They would also suggest that the increase in female achievement is down to the introduction of the national curriculum, changing job opportunities and legal change in policies, i.e. promoting equal opportunities between the genders. Statistics show that for both female and male GCSE students the percentage achieving 5 or more GCSEs have increased, however, the statistics also show that more of the female students are still achieving better than the males. Some sociologists have studied and attempted to explain male underachievement. Harris's research about adolescent attitudes (mainly the working class) has shown that boys are thought to be suffering from increasing low self-esteem and poor motivation. The study also showed that males seem to be less willing to struggle and to overcome difficulties of understanding their studies. They are more easily distracted and find coursework harder to complete. Their female counterparts are more willing to spend a longer time on their homework and revising for their subjects. They are more focused on their futures and see qualifications as more important. As is gender and influential factor on the educational achievement of a student, their ethnicity is also. Statistics have shown that to some extent a child's attainment is related to their ethnicity. Students from some ethnic backgrounds tend to underachieve more than other, e.g. children from English, Welsh, Scottish and African-Caribbean families fared the worst (ILEA study). Whereas students from Indian, African and Pakistani backgrounds showed the best. In all ethnic groups the females out performed the males. Some sociologists say that these ethnic differences can be explained by the differing socio-economic status that is generally held from ethnic group to ethnic group. For example, underachieving Bangladeshi children tend to be form the working class. It is therefore hard to differentiate between the affect of class and ethnicity. It is hard to discuss the differences of parental expectations between the ethnic groups as it can also be interpreted as the different expectations of social classes. However, cultural differences have been used to explain the differences in educational attainment. This view suggests that the cultures of some ethnic minority groups are different from the â€Å"mainstream† culture of schools. This therefore may affect their achievement as the school is a place where the white norms and values dominate. Many members of ethnic minority groups may also speak English as a second language. This therefore puts them at a disadvantage within school. This may lead to students feeling less capable and confident when it comes to oral and written work, affecting their achievement levels and possible causing a self-fulfilling prophecy. In the same way, teachers label males and the middle class to be less capable, they also tend to label ethnic minorities. These stereotypes mean that there are again differences in the way ethnic groups are taught and treated, affecting how they perform within the education system. In conclusion, a sociologist would disagree that differences in genetics affect educational attainment of individuals. They would not argue that biological factors cause the differences in achievement, but would suggest that the patterns of underachievement etc. are due to the way society influences human behaviour. Sociologists have spent much time investigating the influence of social class, ethnicity and gender differences. It is hard to differentiate between the affect of one factor and the affect of another. Therefore, sociologists agree that educational attainment is effected in many different ways and that no one factor can out-influence another. They also agree that the â€Å"nature vs. nurture† argument is not fully resolved as society will ever be changing and scientific research and abilities will ever be improving.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Makeup Essay

How to put on makeup Many women in the world use make-up for many different reasons. Here is a fast method for women and girls who have never put on makeup. If you are interested in a more casual look this would be the perfect method to use. The method consists of putting on eyeliner, mascara, eyebrow pencil, eyeshadow, bronzer, lip stick, lip gloss and body sparkles. First off, put liquid eyeliner directly on top of eyelashes right where the eyelid and eyelash meet. Then after you do that, put a 1/2-inch line of liquid eyeliner on outer sides of eyelids to make your eyes look fuller and wider.After that make sure the lines are equal. Next apply mascara to upper and lower eyelashes, but make sure you don't put too much cause your eyelashes might end up clumpy. Also make sure you applied enough eyeliner and mascara so your eyes look wide and bold. Then, apply a matching eyebrow pencil to eyebrow to make them look sharper and more elegant. After you complete that step, then take a dark brown eyeshadow and place it right above the eyeliner with an eyeshadow brush. Make sure you do not cover up the eyeliner with the eyeshadow.After that, take the eyeshadow brush and add a light pink eyeshadow directly beneath your eyebrow. Once you have done that take a small blending brush and blend both of the eyeshadow together. It should make a pinkish brownish color once completely blended. Make sure your eyebrows and eyeshadow look even and match the color scheme. Lastly, get a bronzer that matches your skin tone and lightly brush it over your cheekbones with a medium sized buffer brush so your cheeks look shinier than the rest of your face. Next apply a reddish pinkish lipstick to your lips.Making them bright and elegant. Then add a sparkly pink or red lip gloss to make the final touches on your makeup. Make sure that you do not have too much bronzer on. Finally, dab an even amount of body glitter all over your body. In conclusion, many women and girls use makeup for many di fferent reasons. The method above is great for a casual look. This method is also great for women and girls who have never put on makeup. list of the things you will need to put on your make up consists of, eyeliner, mascara,eyebrow pencil, eyeshadow, bronzer, lip stick, lip gloss and body sparkles.

Friday, September 27, 2019

How can the application of information and communication technology Essay

How can the application of information and communication technology (ICT) improve public services - Essay Example This implies that the public sector also needs to find tools and techniques to establish itself and work to attain the best results throughout their operations. This paper will examine the possibility of the public sector using information and communication technology (ICT) to improve public services. To this end, the paper would examine the areas that the public sector with the aid of information and communication technology. The research would be conducted through the use of a critical literature review which would critique authoritative sources for ideas and concepts that would be outlined in the essay. The subject is Public Management and Organisations . This is sources. You also can use your own sources. Asgarkhani, M. (2005). Digital government and its effectiveness in public management reform - A local government perspective. Public Management Review , 7, 3, 465-487. Brown, D. (2005). Electronic government and public administration. International Review of Administrative Sciences , 71, 2, 241-254. Dunleavy, P., Margetts, H., Bastow, S. and Tinkler, J. (2008) Digital Era Governance , Oxford, Oxford University Press. Dunleavy, P., Margetts, H., Bastow, S. and Tinkler, J. (2006) New public management is dead - long live digital-era governance, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory , 16, 3, 467-494. Flynn, N. (2010) Public Sector Management, 6 th Edition, Sage, London. Gasco, M. (2003). New technologies and institutional change in public administration. Social Science Computer Review , 21, 1, 6-14. Gil-Garcia, J. R., and Pardo, T. A. (2005). E-government success fact ors: Mapping practical tools to theoretical foundations. Government Information Quarterly , 22, 2, 187-216. Hatford S., Obstfelder, A. and Lotherington, A. (2009) Beyond implementation and resistance: how the delivery of ICT policy is reshaping healthcare, Policy and Politics , 37, 1, 113-128.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Slobodan Miloevic Trial Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Slobodan Miloevic Trial - Case Study Example The main reason for this persecution was cultural and religious hatred: most Albanians are traditionally Muslims and most Serbs are traditionally Eastern Orthodox. In 1997, Milosevic was elected president of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) and on February 1998 he launched an attack on Kosovo. The crimes committed were numerous - involving 3 countries and 8 years - and severe including genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, breaches to the Geneva Conventions, something the international community was not ready to tolerate any more. Thus, after these crimes, the trial arrived; a trial that had been belated due to Milosevic's illness. The complications of enforcing the Tribunal jurisdiction in Kosovo had been acknowledge as being within the sovereign territory of the new Yugoslavia (Wortzel (1999):380). However, the ICTY is considered a subsidiary organ of the UN, and the legal basis for the Security's Council power to establish the Tribunal is set out in article 39, Chapter VII of the Charter of the UN, that empowers the Security Council to take actions to maintain and restore international peace and security (Wortzel (1999):381). Also, this Chapter allows a tribunal to exercise primacy without the consent of the State. Another justification is the principle of universal jurisdiction where some crimes are so offensive as to give all states jurisdiction over the accused. Likewise, the Statute for the ICTY (art. 1) is clear as to the Tribunal's geographic and temporal jurisdiction stating that it "shall have the power to prosecute persons responsible for serious violations of international humanitarian law committ ed in the territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991 in accordance with the provisions of the Statute." Milosevic was charged with several counts. The crimes were alleged to have occurred in Kosovo, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina between the years 1991 and 1999. The main accusations consisted of widespread killing, removing non- Serbs from territories of Kosovo, Croatia and Bosnia, detention of civilians, deportation of forcible transfer of civilians, torture, extermination of detainees through starvation, providing contaminated water and inadequate medical care, requiring forced labor and committing constant physical and psychological assault, and destruction of their homes as well as cultural and historical institutions and monuments. He was accused under command responsibility for planning, instigating, ordering, aiding to commit these crimes. Under this doctrine he could be held criminal responsible if he had an effective command position, knew or had reasons to know that his subordinated were committing these crimes or were about to it and did not take reasonable measures or actions to prevent such acts and to punish the perpetrators. Furthermore, he was accused for being the co-perpetrator in a joint criminal enterprise. Under these doctrines International Criminal Law permits that an accused could be held criminally responsible even if he did not issue the orders. Accordingly, there were 3 indictments. The first one is the Kosovo indictment where Milosevic as President of the FRY, Supreme Commander of the Yugoslavian Army (VJ), President of the Supreme Defense Council and

Trends in Supply Chain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Trends in Supply Chain Management - Essay Example Thus, with reference to the current technological innovation, customers expect an efficient system that is both cost effective and reliable for commercial and private use. Operations within an individual market clog the morale of conducting business and restrict diversity therefore leading to reactive industries. With reference to international trade, various investors and product developers are able to develop and create products resembling the demands of the global customers (Green, Whitten, Inman, 2008). In addition, the use of specific strategies in some regions to manage costs, has transpired the trading of best practices leading, in some cases, to unified code of conduct within the logistics industry (Handfield, Straube, Pfohl, and Wieland, 2013). With reference to customer satisfaction, globalization creates interaction between various business blocs thus influencing the development, marketing, distribution, and sale of alternative products. The logistics industry comprises of a network of companies operating in both local and international sectors. These networks help to sustain the industry through the handling of segmented logistics’ service-tasks (Hanningan, & Mangan, 2001). The collapse of one segment in the network has the potential of interfering with global logistics operations. Following the trend of industries experiencing economic-crisis aftershock effects, research suggests that business blocs should loosen ties with volatile markets and implement strategies sustainable within a narrowed logistics’ environment (Florin, n.d). Green, K., Whitten, D., Inman, A. (2008). The Impact of Logistics Performance on Organization Performance in a Supply Chain Context. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol 13, No. 4: pp. 317-327. Retrieved February 14, from Academic search complete. Hanningan, K., & Mangan, J. (2001). The Role of Logistics and Supply Chain Management in

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Compagnie Generale des Eaux Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Compagnie Generale des Eaux - Case Study Example The efforts of Guy Dejouany express the company's commitment in maximizing its financial resources by putting them in different investment opportunities. The leader should also be noted for his effort in minimizing company risk by not putting all its investment in a single industry. In contrast, he tried to distribute risk by putting the company's fund in various industries. Guy Dejouany also broadened intensified the influence of CGE by broadening its reach and market base. By establishing presence in industries where the company has no previous operation, CGE gained more bargaining power through its large size and coverage. However, it should also be noted that the choice of which industry to diversify into is the sole choice of Dejouany according to his personal experiences and relationships instead of generating more formal business analyses. The leader has launched aggressive efforts in order to ward off competition or strengthen the business organization's position against its rivals. In terms of management style, Guy Dejouany can be characterized as a charismatic leader who influenced people through his personality. Though engaged in a wide array of businesses, decision making is highly centralized emanating from a superior who very much involved in the operations of each business unit. During his administration, transactions and relationships have operated on trust while no significant attention is put on the performance of his subordinates. Models of Diversification Employed by Dejouany Keeping in mind that CGE has started as a player in the water utility business, the company's efforts to diversify in health care, transport, telecommunication, and real estate sectors represent a move toward unrelated diversification. With this, it should be noted that Dejouany employed conglomerate diversification or opting to deliver new products to new markets which are the currently not served. In other instances, he also utilized vertical diversification by acquiring business organizations which are in the same value chain. Basing decisions solely in his relationships and personal experiences, Dejouany had undoubtedly entered industries which are highly unrelated. Conglomerate diversification has been used in order to manage the complexity of various businesses under a single portfolio. However, instead of utilizing the company's resources to execute similar processes within business units, CGE maintained the separation between its business entities. In contrast to the typical strategy of acquiring promising small companies, CGE opted to establish new companies which will serve new clients. There has also been no establish relationship between business units and often, subsidiaries are unaware that they are a part of a single organization. Problems in the 1990s The year 1990s sees the near collapse of CGE because of its disastrous financial and overall performance. The problems of the business organization can be traced to its larger business environment and issues inherent to its operation and governance. As discussed above, the decisions within CGE are solely made by Dejouany who build businesses

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Detecting Jamming Attacks Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Detecting Jamming Attacks - Case Study Example As a result, the first measure towards avoiding jamming attacks is the detection of modes used by jammers to stifle operations by applying mechanisms that enable a user to handle the situation. The jamming attackers normally hinder the signal reception by preventing a real server from conveying information or by avoiding the function to genuine packets. Considering this, the various models adopted by jammers is the constant discharge of radio signals, the introduction of a regular package to the channel without any breaks between ensuing packet broadcast and alternation between inactivity and jamming (Xu, et al, 2005). This implies that a jammer will continually send radio signals to interact with data submissions, causing delays in the systems. The introduction of a regular package to the channel is detrimental because it activates a system to a default mode that does not portray the current activity (Xu, 2007). For instance, if a node can be set to remain in the receive style regardless of whether it is sending or not doing so. The alternation between inactivity and jamming is that the system is automatically set to be inactive and resume operations after a certain time (Xu, et al, 2005). This makes the system to be in the attacker’s default mode or experience delays. Another jamming mode is the employment of a reactive strategy in which the jammer does nothing when the channel is idle and assumes operation upon the detection of signals. A receptive jammer targets the response of a message to execute the attack. Although most jammers use varied models for their missions, users should always monitor their wireless for possible attacks. This implies that they need to install necessary detection mechanisms that enhance the safety of their devices. The first detection measurement is checking the signal strength to determine the presence of unusual scenarios in the system. This employs gathered

Monday, September 23, 2019

Individual Reports on Group Presentations Essay

Individual Reports on Group Presentations - Essay Example Apart from this they presented us with the pros and cons of genetic programming. Discussion of the Topic The idea of code evolving the way human genes evolve is really very fascinating and novel but the progress made so far and the results shown by genetic programming are very narrow and limiting (William B. Langdon, 2002).the group showcased SIRI as a masterpiece of genetic programming but I consider it to be a simple algorithm which cannot be compared to evolve like the human genes. Genetic programming as of now can be considered to be only a slight variation on solution searching algorithm (Larson, 2009).The focus of Genetic programming in SIRI or even in robotics has been to converge to a solution. The application of genetic programming only to converge to a solution as quickly as possible is not the way human genes function. So either the name genetic programming needs to be changed or tweaked to make drastic progress in the field. The progress till now has been a failure. (Nave t, 2006)The group has mentioned in one of the cons of genetic programming that it uses a lot of computer power. This according to me is no more a disadvantage. The recent progress in computing means that we have more computer cycles than we have use for. So genetic programming is no more unviable due to the computing power it uses. However it will surely become unviable if it does not produces better results. The future research in robotics called as evolutionary robotics may be the way forward to further develop genetic programming. This is something that the group failed to look into in their presentation. Genetic programming where programs generate future programs is the bedrock of artificial intelligence. In order to make robots which can follow our orders or even phones which are really smart, genetic programming needs to evolve a lot. It can make human work easier and help us to reach new levels in industrialisation and development. However genetic programming also threatens t o make a lot of human resource obsolete and redundant. If programmes can regenerate, there will be little use of software engineers and programmers. However it is still a long way to go before all that happens. In its present form genetic programming have been a failure and not the promising revolution which the group wants us to believe it is. Marking and Justification Marks: Content Topic Marks Justification Research 15/20 The topic was well researched and presented in a way that a novice can understand. Relevance 7/10 Stuck to the brief but the only drawback was to discuss the failure of genetic programming till now. Topicality 6/10 Robotics and GP not linked Conclusions 8/20 No justification for conclusions given by the group. Marks: Presentation Topic Marks Justification Clarity 8/10 Speakers were loud and easily audible. Structure 5/10 When the speaker changed, there was a break in the flow of thoughts which indicated lack of practice. Materials 9/10 The slides and visual aids were of extremely good quality. Bonus Marks 2/10 Good appearance. Group H Description of the Topic The group focuses on cyber terrorism. The group started by defining cyber terrorism. Although there is no one fixed definition of cyber terrorism, the group chose to give two definitions which are given by United States armed forces and the Collins dictionary. They also tried to provide their own

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Music Piracy Is a Good Thing Essay Example for Free

Music Piracy Is a Good Thing Essay If pirating music hurts musicians income so badly it would show, and after all this time of pirating music it hasnt. Music piracy benefits artists more than it hurts, therefore it should be legal. Music piracy is mostly committed by people who are everyday people who have average income jobs and have families who end up being sued by big record companies over downloading music for free. It seems a bit to greedy when you look at the difference in pay between the artist and the people who download the songs. ( †¦) say that the people who pirate the music are more likely to go to the show and buy the albums after downloading music (Ernesto). Also, people who pirate music tracks are very likely to develop an connection to the bands orartists and that will lead to them attending the shows, buying albums and merchandise. When putting this issue in perspective, record companies are just looking for money without any consideration for the ways of getting it. Record companies start suing people who have downloaded music for ridiculous amount of money in attempt to intimidate and scare off the fellons from downloading music illegally. The main groups affected are college kids that dont have the money. Sarah Barg was a sophomore at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Sarah received an email from a label company stating that she owed $3,000 to the Recording Industry Association of America (Bratton). For that amount,, Sarah would be paying $7. 87 for each song. Majority of the songs she pirated were from the eighties and werent even relevant anymore, and yet she was battling record company’s in court over them them. Sixty students like Sarah at UNL received the same similar, as well as hundreds sent out to over sixty other universities across the country. Not knowing ow else to handle the situation, Barg contacted her parents and they had to cover her settlement. I dont know what I would have done. Im only 20 years old, says Barg. Well over five hundred students across the states have paid settlements to avoid being sued. I see it as bullying, UNL freshman Andrew Johnson says, Legally, it makes sense, because we dont have the money to fight back. Johnson illegally downloaded one song and settled $3,000 to avoid being sued for one song. The money used came from the 18 year olds college fund and he now has to work two jobs to compensate for his losses. The record companies seem to target those cant fight back. In 2007, major record companies such as Warner music groups, Warner Bros Records, Inc. , and Sony BMG Music Entertainment, tried to sue a young girl from Texas named Whitney Harper for illegally downloading music from file sharing networks on the internet (Malisow). Whitney was at the time was sixteen years old and was being sued for a minimum of $750 per song when Whitney downloaded thirtyseven songs. That is a little over $20,000 and she is only sixteen years old. Harper tried to use the Innocent Infringer Act that would reduce fees to $200 per song. In order to accomplish that, Harper had to prove she was unaware of the copyright laws by claiming that the copyright notice placed on cds were not on the file sharing networks on the Internet therefore she was unaware. The companies referred to the sixteen-year-old as a long term massive infringer of copyright laws. Harper warned that if the companies won the case that downloading music off the Internet could never be innocent infringement. The Harper case is one the few after many years still going through federal court. The companies had stated they were going to begin transitioning away from suing individuals and find better means of fixing the issue. After years of record companies using an intimidation method to fix the pirating problem, it got them nowhere because the amount of pirates only went up, and the efforts by the companies were in most cases useless. According to the Wall Street Journal, they attempted suing many single mothers, a thirteen-year-old girl, and a dead peope. The new approach is for the companies to work with Internet service providers and when music is eing pirated the user receives a warning that they will lose Internet service if they continue(WSJ. com). The companies still reserve the right to sue if someone is a heavy violator or has ignored several warnings, but even with this new system, it still seems like the companies are only out for money, but in an attempt to escape negative attention from the media, they change their approach. According to The Independent, peo ple who illegally download music also spend more money on music, concerts, merchandises than anyone else. The Secretary of State for Business, Peter Mandelson, stated that the record companies new approach to crack down on illegal down loaders by cutting off internet service could potentially harm the music industry more than help it. The people who file share are the ones who are interested in music. They use file sharing as a discovery mechanism. The artists also have mixed opinions over file sharing, some such as James Blunt and Lily Allen are anti-piracy and Shakira is pro-piracy(Shields). Sites have come out with monthly bills for unlimited music plans that seem fairer. Some artists dont feel affected by file sharing and support the fact that piracy creates a bigger fan base for them. Bands like Angels and Airwaves have produced free records so copyright wasnt an issue. They figure that the fans will still come see them play and record sales arent the only thing to being in a successful band. Some artists dont seem to realize that. Most artists make plenty off of record sales even with a piracy problem, so court cases and law suits on everyday people by record companies seems a bit greedy and selfish. Even with the new laws, they are still pushing to stop this unstoppable problem. Today music piracy is referred to as a dead issue. Most cases that are still pending are being dropped. This year a $54,000 fine on a single mother of four was dropped by the U. S. District Court Judge, Micheal Davis, who stated piracy is no longer monstrous and shocking. The need for deterrence cannot justify a two million verdict for stealing and distributing twenty-four songs for the sole purpose of obtaining free music(physorg. om). Thomas Rasset was convicted in 2007 and was ordered to pay $220,000, but the judge who presided over the trial called off the verdict, saying it was wholly disproportionate and oppressive. Her case was one of the thousands that had actually made it to court. In 2011, with new laws, these cases should not be forgotten about. The people who lost cases should be compensated and apologized to because they did nothing other than have an interest in the artist.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Risk Management For Huawei

Risk Management For Huawei HUAWEI is a well known company Providing Telecommunication business all over the world but risks cannot be ignored. The Purpose of this manual is to provide suggestion to handle the risks in the company functional areas The manual can be helpful in identifying the efficiency of the risk management system. Also can be beneficial in less attention risk areas. It will use the standards, policy and strategy of Huawei to identify the tools of the risk management system. The risk management should be parallel activity and must be well documented.For easy understanding the risk management system is divided in three Stages. Stage 1 Development of Strategy and vision for the risk management system with clear goals. This is beneficial for the awareness of the company employees. The engagement of the employees will increase the success of risk management. Risk aware culture will improve and work better of Risk management. This stage included the planning, roles and responsibilities, communication, resources and training of having level. Stage 2In stage2 the proposal for various areas are considered in risk management, which identify the responsibility of individual area and various kind of training is needed, a campaign should be create among the employes regarding risk management. Industry and market risk: Business: customer and market, product and innovation Operational risks: including Safety systems, Environmental risks, Human reliability, Organizational risk Financial risks: the risk associated to any form of finance (credit, market) Stage 3 In stage 3 identification of the process and the way of application in each individual area and the way to interwork build the process of risk management. Risk Identification: Manual in practical Statistics as input Risk Assessment:In the culture of the company the information about the risk management should be important part. Risk Response and Risk control. Proper Training of Risk analysis. To identify the need of training for the people whose responsibility is coordinating and implementing the risk management. The manual does not give direction for each area specifically, but will be the general guidance to need of implementation of risk management The responsible person in each area wil analyze and detailed knowledge That will make risk management successful. Competency Policy in Risk Analysis An organization may use a numerous methods and technique when risk mapping is implement . For risk analysis, there are a wide range of techniques used: HAZOP/HAZAN/FMEA/FTA Studies Statistical analysis of past incidents Consequence modeling Risk level Comprehensive Quantitative Risk Assessments Monte Carlo simulations Determination of individual/societal risks Determination of environmental risks In the light of the above manual personnel in the organization will have required experience for the described techniques. The policy will include evaluating the competence strength and weakness of the skills. It will also identify and shape the risks which apply to different people working in various departments.The realization of sophisticated methods used by experts. Creation of risk mitigation along with control plan with the option of implimintation. The input should be provided for the development of organization risk management system. Authorization of Risk Traning. The Managers working with other departments should be responsible for traning.Approval should be made by top management and ensure of the planning. .Relation to the market with competence considerations. Operational risks The risk factors may be caused due to deliveries and financial situation on the supplies of the factor is long term dependency to supplier. Safety Regulations should be implemented. Production risk Risk Analysis Requirements Supplier risk Information Risk. Financial Risk. The Hauwei has made efforts to control Risks in its acatvities.Due to the expansion of the company internationally, new partners are entered and IT dependency increases new risks are created. Huawei has been affected due to currency inflation in the market. To mitigate these kind of risk arises from foreign currency exchange Huawei use cash equivalents, financial receivables, debt of short and long term. Types of Financial Risk Change in Currency conversion rate Interest rates Assets lost Economical risk . Management ReviewTo see status of the project and resource allocation management review is done. The analysis results of audits, preventive and corrective actions is done by management rivew.Due to management review some decisions can be made like increase resources:Imrovement in risk management process,machines,manpower etc The information management system can be introduced and be the out put for management review. . Some methods we can use: SWOT This technique is used on finding strength, weaknesses, opportunity and threats and then analysis of risk on the basis of our finding. In Huawei we keep on conduct SWOT analysis which can help in identifying and managing of risk.. Breakdown: Risk in break down is of great importance and should be checked regularly and preventive measure should be taken to minimize. Product Liabilities: liability like people must be kept into deliberation. Accept Risk Some of the risk may be of low importance and just accept without removing.The significant business risk may be formal and must be decided by senior managers. Avoid Risk Avoidance risk is to change business practices and no more exposed to specific risk. Transfer Risk To share some of the risk with other is called transfer risk we can take Insurance policy as a example. Risk management organizational levels Each member of the organization has to play a role in management system control,as it is the process dependent on the people.The role of individual people in risk control varies in organization .The most top management should define the rules for risk management and control.every body in the organization should have responsibility of controlling the risk. COMPTENCE ANALYSIS: Competence analysis in an organization can be done by interviewing the individuals or the teams and asses what needs to be done to improve the situation in order to minimize the risk of failure. In order to understand competence analysis we have to describe the level of competence so that we could compare the risks involved in different areas of the organization.A target framework derived from business strategies, plans, objectives and targets.Analysis of strategic requirements, gathered from the obtained framework. Covering all aspects of changes required regarding to that framework. Strategic, critical,declining and core competencies. Level of competence is different in different areas of an organization, depending upon the roles and responsibilities of the employees. We can make a competency model by dividing the organization into teams depending on their ability, experience and skills with more focus in the risk management area. In this way we will be able to see the important competencies in different departments. We split the competence levels into the following three: Low Medium High COMPETENCE MAPPING: Competence mapping is the process from which we can asses and determine the strength of workforce of employees to avoid any kind of risks. The employees play an important role in the success and development of an organization.We can use the competence mapping to identify the knowledge of the employees in risk management and then fill the gaps with the training. Competence mapping is a chart that shows the specification level. The present competence level and required level is marked in the chart with the diversified lines. The gap between the lines points out the required developments that must be addressed in the competence development plan. When the competence levels are evaluated, the competence mapping can be drawn. COMPETENCE GAPS: It is essential to define the competence gaps of the employers; because the performance of the employers depends in large part of skills of the employers. It is also very important for many organizations to define which skills, that the employers must have, are necessary for that particular area of the organization.Analyzing the Competence gap help us to identify which competence in risk management is needed for each employee. We can identify these gaps by comparing the current situation of the workforce and our future needs. If we have a rating between Current Requirements and Future Requirements and it is larger than the Competency that we posses that means we have a competency gap. This helps them improve and provide an environment for the implementation of risk management system. PLANNING FOR IMPROVED COMPETENCE SHORT RANGE AND LONGRANGE Risk management can not be seen as one time project, it has to improved and followed up all time. It is needed a plan for the improvement of the competence in order to make it works. Also it is very important to have a plan for improving the competence in a short and long range. After the evaluation of the risk management knowledge of the employees, the plan for the competence training short range will be developed. Once the competence gaps are found out, here are the required basic steps that must befollowed in order to develop a plan to overcome those gaps and to improve the competencies. Finding out the key skills required by the organization Evaluate the personals: To evaluating the personals and examine their levels in each of the relevant competencies. Requesting a feedback from stakeholders, colleagues and managers. Ordering and prioritizing the gaps: When it comes to focusing on closing the gaps, risk management department should choose the best option or way to cope it. It could beanother training class or a session with subject matters, reading for self-improvement subjects etc. Controlling the progress: The final step for the overcoming the competence gaps and improving them process should be monitoring the process that the risk department or committee have taken to increase the personnels competence levels. Once the committee is convinced that the target level for the personals is reached, they can close and improve the gap and move to the next priority area. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE COMPETENCE TRAINING IN RISK ANALYSIS SYSTEM Since the word competence is quite important for the job performance, the role of managers to do the planning and implementation of training process is very critical. So, they should be very careful before and during the training process, since their misunderstandings could lead up the unexpected risks.Creating a training material is important to be ensure that this training is delivered to the right personnel at the right time.It is undeniable that using competency training and competency assessment provide theorganization to reduce risk and to improve performance by developing competency frameworks. Below, there are rules that should be taken into account when creating or implementing a competence training system in a risk analysis system; It is important for employees to be able to actualize their performance what they have learned during the training process and to be encouraged to apply their thoughts and opinions into the real case. This will allow them to be clear and be more precise while they identify, evaluate and analyzing the risk. It is clear that competence training is used within the risk analysis system of an organization in order to increase efficiency of employees current job performance.Competence training system should be well integrated to risk analysis system so that the attendances are active participants and able to create solutions to reduce the risk of the organization during and after the training system.A risk analysis system can be well done by applying the competence training to risk committee.This can provide the employers a better understanding and gives some real ideas in the field of risk management. PLANS FOR SECURING THE COMPETENCE NEEDED There is a need of reviewing the strategy for securing the competence needed, A plan for spreading the information within the company has to be reviewed all the time through the internal trainings, job rotation, documenting all the work done from consultants working in the different areas and spreading the culture of sharing knowledge among the employees. The risk manager has to be working very close to the managers of each area to identify the key persons and not allowing that a gap occurs when the person leaves the company, jeopardizing the projects and products quality Securing the competencies for an organization can be guided by an integration approach that is measured by the organizations strategy. As an instance, for an organization, in order to secure the necessary competencies, some actions can be taken such as developing and involving new skills and competence in the right place and right time.Enriching the value of expertise of the organization by clearly identifying the strategicareas.Additional training for the development by ordering and prioritizing the training programs.After the competence are determined, identifying a competence development plan byutilizing from career planning, experts opinion, guidance for recruitment etc. EVALUATION OF TRAINING RESULTS The evaluation of the trainings demonstrates that if this training has a positive or negative or no impact on the risk area.After defining the risk areas and objectives in these risk areas, these objectives can be evaluated by using a post-training evaluation form. About the content, methods, materials and delivery of the training, the participants opinions can be asked and they can asked to ratetheir satisfactions about these titles. After gathering these risk evaluation forms andparticipants opinions, the training workshops about risk areas can be revised and performed again. In order to evaluate the impact of the training on defined risk areas, an impact monitoring exercise can be performed. This can involve sampling from random trainersevaluations about these training. These evaluations can be a questionnaire which was fulfilled by participants about the trainings. AUDIT OF THE COMPETENCE SYSTEM To audit the competence of the system, the standards, guidelines and procedures should be identified. Standards determine compulsory requirements for auditing and reporting. They can be auditors skills, knowledge or experience, etc. Also the auditors should use professional judgments in their application. The aim of guidelines is to explain how to obey the auditing standards. Apart from these standards, guidelines and procedures, an auditor would be going in search of addressing these issues to audit an organizations compliance with the competence.The organization should evaluate the impressiveness of activities taken to meet competence needs and to make certain the needed competence has been gathered.The organization can use many kinds of techniques and tools like role-play,observation, reviews of trainings and employment records, interviews, etc. for theevaluation method of effectiveness of activities.The organization should determine what competencies are needed by team performing work which affects quality.The auditor should determine the approach to define these competencies for organization.To control the quality characteristics of products or processes, the competent personnel should be assigned.The auditor may survey job descriptions, testing or official examination activities,records of management reviews, definitions of responsibilities and authorities, audit records, customer complains, process validation records, etc. to verify the competenceof personnel for the work. IMPROVEMENTS AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS Improvement opportunities during an audit can be documented to make certain corrections.Also problems can be related with the specific compliance areas and business processes so that high risk areas can be identified easily.Corrective actions are steps which are taken to address existing non compliance and make improvements. These actions take care of actual problems which have been occurred. They define the cause of these problems and solve them by removing causes. These corrective actions can be defined as problem solving processes. Problem costs can be determined so that resources can be set aside to areas where the business would utilize them with best benefit. PREVENTIVE ACTIONS The organization should define the actions to remove the causes of potential non conformities in order to prevent their occurrence. These actions should be defined properly due to the effectiveness of potential problems. The process of preventive actions can be defined as :Define potential problems and their causes.Evaluate the requirement for preventive actions for these problems.Define and execute the action needed.Record the results of preventive action and review it.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “Letter From Birmingham City Jail” Essay

Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote an argumentative persuasive essay, the â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† on April 16, 1963. King had written this letter to address and respond to the criticism made by the white clergymen. The letter was an approach to end racism and hatred in a non-violent manner. The non-violent movement was organized by King and his pro-black organization called â€Å"The Southern Christian Leadership Conference†. King and his pro-black organization group presented the essay to argue non-violent actions against the racial discrimination and hatred among the black community residing in Birmingham. The letter was also aimed towards the freedom and equality to not just the black community but also to the white community, to the social, religious and political community. King wanted to address the stress of everyone having freedom and equality. King’s main thesis in writing the Birmingham Letter is that racial discrimination and hatred to the black community is due to the optimism of the white community. I agree with his main points that King had presented in the essay. Everyone should have equal rights in every criteria including socially, politically, and religiously. This is what King wanted for everyone. He wanted to peacefully bring every race and gender together as one society not multiple societies like how it was. King argued the freedom and equality for everyone in the United States and that there shouldn’t be a reason to prejudice to each other. King supported his points throughout his essay by using logos. Logos is the use of facts, statistics and studies to show others why and how your point is correct. He researched his opinions and accumulated facts to prove his opinions and thoughts. In the l... ...n you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others?† The answer lies in the fact that there are two types of laws: just and unjust.† He makes the readers think that he knows what he is talking about and shows determination. King had written this letter to address and respond to the criticism made by the white clergymen. The letter was an approach to end racism and hatred in a non-violent manner. King and his pro-black organization group presented the essay to argue non-violent actions against the racial discrimination and hatred among the black community residing in Birmingham. The letter was also aimed towards the freedom and equality to not just the black community but also to the white community, to the social, religious and political community. King wanted to stand up for his thoughts and ideas that everyone should have freedom and equality.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

William Butler Yeats and William Blake :: Poetry Literature Papers

William Butler Yeats and William Blake A study of William Butler Yeats is not complete without a study of William Blake, just as a study of Blake is greatly aided by a study of Yeats. The two poets are inexorably tied together. Yeats, aided by his study of Blake, was able to find a clearer poetic voice. Yeats had a respect for and an understanding of Blake's work that was in Yeats' time without parallel. Yeats first read Blake at the age of 15 or 16 when his father gave him Blake to read. Yeats writes in his essay "William Blake and the Imagination" that "...when one reads Blake, it is as though the spray of an inexhaustible fountain of beauty was blown into our faces (Yeats, Essays xxx)." Yeats believed Blake to be a genius and he never wavered in his opinion. It is his respect for Blake that caused him to study and emulate Blake. He tried to tie Blake closer to himself by stressing Blake's rumored Irish ancestry. He strove to understand Blake more clearly than anyone had before him, and he succeeded. As with other pursu its Yeats held nothing back. He immersed himself fully in Blake's writings. As with many of his mental pursuits he deepened his understanding of the subject by writing about it. In 1887 he wrote his essay "William Blake and the Imagination." This essay articulated his thoughts on the genius of the poet William Blake. He still however had not conceived his full vision of Blake's works. In 1889 he approached Edwin Ellis, a friend of his father's, for assistance in understanding Blake. Ellis wrote of this meeting "Very little could be given him to satisfy so large a demand, but with his eye for symbolic systems, he needed no more to enable him to perceive that here was a myth as well worth studying as any that has been offered to the world (Ellis, Vol I ix)." Thus began Yeats' and Ellis' collaboration on William Blake. This collaboration came to fruition, after four years of work, with the 1893 publication of their The Works of William Blake Poetic, Symbolic, and Critical. It has been acknowledged by many scholars that Yeats' study of Blake greatly influenced his poetic expression. This gives rise to the widely held assertion that Yeats is indebted to Blake. While I concur with this assertion, I feel that the perhaps greater debt is Blake's. William Butler Yeats and William Blake :: Poetry Literature Papers William Butler Yeats and William Blake A study of William Butler Yeats is not complete without a study of William Blake, just as a study of Blake is greatly aided by a study of Yeats. The two poets are inexorably tied together. Yeats, aided by his study of Blake, was able to find a clearer poetic voice. Yeats had a respect for and an understanding of Blake's work that was in Yeats' time without parallel. Yeats first read Blake at the age of 15 or 16 when his father gave him Blake to read. Yeats writes in his essay "William Blake and the Imagination" that "...when one reads Blake, it is as though the spray of an inexhaustible fountain of beauty was blown into our faces (Yeats, Essays xxx)." Yeats believed Blake to be a genius and he never wavered in his opinion. It is his respect for Blake that caused him to study and emulate Blake. He tried to tie Blake closer to himself by stressing Blake's rumored Irish ancestry. He strove to understand Blake more clearly than anyone had before him, and he succeeded. As with other pursu its Yeats held nothing back. He immersed himself fully in Blake's writings. As with many of his mental pursuits he deepened his understanding of the subject by writing about it. In 1887 he wrote his essay "William Blake and the Imagination." This essay articulated his thoughts on the genius of the poet William Blake. He still however had not conceived his full vision of Blake's works. In 1889 he approached Edwin Ellis, a friend of his father's, for assistance in understanding Blake. Ellis wrote of this meeting "Very little could be given him to satisfy so large a demand, but with his eye for symbolic systems, he needed no more to enable him to perceive that here was a myth as well worth studying as any that has been offered to the world (Ellis, Vol I ix)." Thus began Yeats' and Ellis' collaboration on William Blake. This collaboration came to fruition, after four years of work, with the 1893 publication of their The Works of William Blake Poetic, Symbolic, and Critical. It has been acknowledged by many scholars that Yeats' study of Blake greatly influenced his poetic expression. This gives rise to the widely held assertion that Yeats is indebted to Blake. While I concur with this assertion, I feel that the perhaps greater debt is Blake's.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Cosmic Life and Death of a Star Essay examples -- physics science spac

Conception Nebula as Star Nurseries Stars are born in the interstellar clouds of gas and dust called nebulae that are primarily found in the spiral arms of galaxies. These clouds are composed mainly of hydrogen gas but also contain carbon, oxygen and various other elements, but we will see that the carbon and oxygen play a crucial role in star formation so they get special mention. A nebula by itself is not enough to form a star however, and it requires the assistance of some outside force. A close passing star or a shock wave from a supernova or some other event can have just the needed effect. It is the same idea as having a number of marbles on a trampoline and then rolling a larger ball through the middle of them or around the edges. The marbles will conglomerate around the path of the ball, and as more marbles clump together, still more will be attracted. This is essentially what happens during the formation of a star (Stellar Birth, 2004). If the nebula is dense enough, certain regions of it will begin to gravitationally collapse after being disturbed. As it collapses the particles begin to move more rapidly, which on a molecular level is actually heat, and photons are emitted that drive off the remaining dust and gas. Once the cloud has collapsed enough to cause the core temperature to reach ten-million degrees Celsius, nuclear fusion starts in its core and this ball of gas and dust is now a star. It begins its life as a main sequence star and little does it know its entire life has already been predetermined. Although this may sound like a simple enough process there are actually several variables that must be just right for birth to happen. For one, the mass of the collapsing particles is crucial and ther... ...e times the mass of the sun. In this case gravity is overwhelmingly strong and is able to crush the neutron star towards zero mass. The result is a black hole with a gravitational field strong enough to not even let light escape (Brusca, 2004). Bibliography Brusca, Stone. Cosmos, Physics 304. Arcata, CA: Dr. Stone Brusca, 2004. Miller, Coleman M. Introduction to neutron stars. University of Maryland. 22 Nov. 2004 Star death: post- main sequence evolution of stars. 22 Nov. 2004 Stellar Birth. 11 Jan. 2004. 22 Nov. 2004 Tyler, Pat. Supernova. NASA’s Heasarc: Education and Public Information. 26 Jan. 2003. 22 Nov. 2004 Cosmic Life and Death of a Star Essay examples -- physics science spac Conception Nebula as Star Nurseries Stars are born in the interstellar clouds of gas and dust called nebulae that are primarily found in the spiral arms of galaxies. These clouds are composed mainly of hydrogen gas but also contain carbon, oxygen and various other elements, but we will see that the carbon and oxygen play a crucial role in star formation so they get special mention. A nebula by itself is not enough to form a star however, and it requires the assistance of some outside force. A close passing star or a shock wave from a supernova or some other event can have just the needed effect. It is the same idea as having a number of marbles on a trampoline and then rolling a larger ball through the middle of them or around the edges. The marbles will conglomerate around the path of the ball, and as more marbles clump together, still more will be attracted. This is essentially what happens during the formation of a star (Stellar Birth, 2004). If the nebula is dense enough, certain regions of it will begin to gravitationally collapse after being disturbed. As it collapses the particles begin to move more rapidly, which on a molecular level is actually heat, and photons are emitted that drive off the remaining dust and gas. Once the cloud has collapsed enough to cause the core temperature to reach ten-million degrees Celsius, nuclear fusion starts in its core and this ball of gas and dust is now a star. It begins its life as a main sequence star and little does it know its entire life has already been predetermined. Although this may sound like a simple enough process there are actually several variables that must be just right for birth to happen. For one, the mass of the collapsing particles is crucial and ther... ...e times the mass of the sun. In this case gravity is overwhelmingly strong and is able to crush the neutron star towards zero mass. The result is a black hole with a gravitational field strong enough to not even let light escape (Brusca, 2004). Bibliography Brusca, Stone. Cosmos, Physics 304. Arcata, CA: Dr. Stone Brusca, 2004. Miller, Coleman M. Introduction to neutron stars. University of Maryland. 22 Nov. 2004 Star death: post- main sequence evolution of stars. 22 Nov. 2004 Stellar Birth. 11 Jan. 2004. 22 Nov. 2004 Tyler, Pat. Supernova. NASA’s Heasarc: Education and Public Information. 26 Jan. 2003. 22 Nov. 2004

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Case Study of Lehman Trikes

Lehman Trikes was engaging in a forward integration. They were able to obtain the front end parts needed for their trikes through their deal with Harley Davidson. Where other manufacturers were unwilling to provide these parts, Harley Davidson provided the parts and allowed Lehman to manufacture a completed product. Harley Davidson was engaging in a related diversification strategy.They were already selling motorized bikes but by including Lehman Trikes in the process they were able to sell a different type of bike, a three wheeled motorcycle, allowing them to reach new customers. Lehman had an opportunity to increase production in their manufacturing facilities. A major benefit to Lehman was the potential to gain a larger customer base by teaming with Harley Davidson brand and reputation. They would also benefit from the increase income provided by the manufacturing contract.With this business venture, Lehman also runs the risk of competing against themselves. Since they also produc e three wheeled motorcycles, the products they are producing for Harley Davidson could take away some potential customer do to the popularity of the Harley Davidson brand. Harley Davidson has the opportunity to sell an end product that is expertly built. By outsourcing the job to a company that is an expert in the field, Harley Davidson is able to market their bikes as a well built machine.A major benefit to Harley Davidson was labor provided by Lehman Trikes. They did not have to pay union workers, employed by Harley Davidson, for completion of the bikes but were able to outsource the work for a better rate. Harley Davidson also faces the competition of Lehman Trikes and other companies that Lehman has partnered with. Not only could the Harley Davidson trikes face competition with Lehman build trikes, but also with other trikes but by Lehman for other companies.Considering the state of the economy and its impact on the trike market, it was reasonable for Harley Davidson to bring pr oduction back into their own facilities. By working out a labor agreement with their workers, Harley Davidson was able to reduce cost for the production of its trikes. Lehman should begin pursuing another relationship similar to the Harley Davidson contract. Although they could potentially create more competition for themselves, they could also increased production and be able to increase business by taking on work for other companies.

Monday, September 16, 2019

etitioner Leegin Creative Leather Products

Petitioner Leegin Creative Leather Products, a manufacturer of women’s accessories under the brand name Brighton, entered into a vertical minimum price agreements with its retailer, which includes herein respondent, PSKS, Inc. Petitioner avers that such price agreements intend to encourage competition among retailers in the areas of customer service and product promotion. However, herein respondent discounted Leegin products below their prescribed minimum price. After being dropped by Leegin as one of its retailers, PSKS filed a lawsuit, arguing that Leegin violates Section 1 of the Sherman Act by engaging in anticompetitive price fixing.The District Court decided in favor of PSKS citing Dr. Miles Medical Co. v. John D. Park & Sons Co. , which held that mandatory price agreements are per se illegal under the Sherman Act. Petitioner, in an appeal to the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, argued that this rule was based on outdated economics and contended that a the à ¢â‚¬Å"rule of reason† is a better legal analysis. Petitioner further claimed that price minimums will only be held illegal when proven to be anticompetitive.The appellate court ruled in favor of the district court hence, this petition for certiorari. ISSUE: Is it per se illegal for a manufacturer to set mandatory minimum prices for its products? RULE: No, it is not illegal for a manufacturer to set mandatory minimum prices for its products. Section 1 of the Sherman Act prohibits â€Å"[e]very contract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce among the several States. † This provision only prohibits unreasonable restraints in trade or commerce. REASONING:The Court reasoned that Section 1 of said Act outlaws only unreasonable restraints. It further ruled that the Dr. Miles case should be overruled and that vertical price restraints are to be judged by the rule of reason. The Court, through economic literature, averre d that vertical minimum price agreements are rarely anticompetitive and can often function to increase inter-brand competition. The Court further argued that instances where the price agreements are abused for anticompetitive reasons can be judged on a case-to-case basis under the rule of reason.In overruling the Dr. Miles case, the Court held that the Sherman Act must be treated as a common law statute, which should be allowed to evolve in courts as economic circumstances change. DECISION: The Supreme Court ruled for Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc. The Supreme Court overruled the decision in the Dr. Miles case. It further ruled that in cases where vertical price restraints are involved, the rule of reason should be applied. I agree with the decision of the Supreme Court favoring Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc. The decision in Dr.Miles was based on reasoning and economic assumptions that predate and conflict with modern economic theory. It was never shown in court that setting retail price minimums is anticompetitive. Further, retail price minimums have no absolute economic effect. In order to assess the anticompetitive tendencies of price minimums, the rule of reason must be employed. The Supreme Court, in the case at bar, employed the rule of reason in order to determine whether the actions taken by Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc would hurt the economy. Hence, vertical price restraints should be judged by the rule of reason.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Cooper Pharmaceuticals Case Analysis Essay

On the surface, the issue of Bob Marsh’s firing from Cooper Pharmaceuticals appears to be an open and shut case; he did not adhere to the repeated warnings by management to alter his performance and selling style, therefore he was fired. However, other considerations are in play when you analyze this case further. Bob was an employee of Cooper for twelve years at the time of his termination, and had seemingly improved his performance when prompted to do so. Bob was also exceptionally well received by physicians, office receptionists, and hospital personnel, which is a vital attribute when being a â€Å"detailer.† His persistent downside, though, was his lack of organization, planning, and follow-up, and a tendency to question some of the company’s major promotion programs. The central question to this case is, â€Å"how could this happen to someone like Bob Marsh in a company like Copper?† In my opinion, while Cooper Pharmaceuticals was not entirely withou t fault, Bob’s termination was primarily the result of his own actions, or lack thereof. Cooper Pharmaceuticals was a major manufacturer of prescription drugs for the medical and dental professions and had a reputation throughout the industry for having â€Å"excellent† management practices. The company fielded a sales force of over 500 detailers whose job was to persuade medical personnel to use and prescribe Cooper Pharmaceuticals’ drugs. Initially, Bob fit the mold of what was desired by Cooper in prospective employees. He was rated highly in his sincerity, aggressiveness, attitude, enthusiasm, learning ability, judgment, character, affability, and appearance; Bob seemed like the perfect fit. He was hired about a month after his initial interview and, much to his delight, was assigned to a territory in his hometown, Toledo. From there, Bob was seemingly ready to start his training and begin a long and prosperous career with Cooper. An effective sales training program is vital to the success of a company’s sales force. A training program should have a finite set of objectives: increased sales productivity, lower turnover, higher morale and sense of purpose, improved communication, improved customer relations, and improved self-management. It is also impor tant that companies provide a method for systematically reinforcing their training programs. Otherwise, salespeople are unlikely to change their behavior. The training at Cooper Pharmaceuticals, in principle, should have worked quite well. Employees,  including Bob, showed signs of increased sales performance on a year-to-year basis, and in 1989 sales exceed $1 billion. Turnover was low for their industry, around 8%. Also, 60% of detailers had ten or more years with the company, and 25% had fewer than five years. Each employee received a company car, generous benefits, and reimbursement for normal business expenses. Bob, while maintaining the same position as detailer, went from a starting salary of $35,000 in year one to a salary over $60,000 in his twelfth year. Bob received a month’s training in product characteristics and selling, or detailing, skills at Cooper’s headquarters. Aside from this training, both new and experienced detailers received regular training from the 35 district managers. This reinforcement was done so to ensure that all detailers mai ntained the level of expertise and professionalism requisite of a Cooper Pharmaceuticals detailer. From these facts, it becomes more apparent that the necessary skills to be successful were properly trained, informed, and reinforced in Bob by Cooper. Even from his initial interview with Cooper, there was one glaring fault Bob possessed: his seeming indifference to organization. His first district manager, John Meredith, felt that Bob gave little advanced thought to the physicians he hoped to see. Then, upon seeing the physicians, he had no definite plan or approach once in the physician’s office. From the beginning of this class, we learned that pre-approach is vital to the selling process. In this stage, information is gathered about the prospect to decipher the specific needs they have. As noted in the beginning of the case, Bob had many references from physicians and medical personnel. I believe that these relationships caused Bob to become lazy in his pre-approach and approach, and ultimately served as a crutch on which he began to rely. In addition to his lack of organization, Bob displayed more interest in developing his own promotional programs than in following the plans outlined at district meetings, and he would also second-guess promotions by deciding, on his own, which products to promote. This should have been a huge red flag for John Meredith. What would happen if a baseball player blatantly disregarded a sign and decided to swing when his coach told him not to swing? That player would find himself on the bench. If that player continually disobeyed his coach’s instructions he would find himself looking for a new team. In this instance, though, Bob was not benched. He was instead given a list of suggestions on how he could improve in certain  areas, including: * Should overcome the tendency to prejudge customers and promotion programs * Should be more responsive to management directives * Should give more attention to planning and organization As becomes evident as Bob’s tenure at Cooper Pharmaceuticals continued, he failed to adopt this initial list of suggestions, yet his employment perpetuated. After John Meredith, there was Bill Couch, then Jim Rathburn, followed by Vince Reed, Antonia Wilkens, and ultimately Ted Franklin. Six supervisors in a twelve year span is a high number. Then, when you consider the fact that many of them were young, motivated, and driven, it becomes clearer why Bob was able to keep his job. His sales numbers were constantly at quota, and there were no issues in terms of customer relations. By the time his deficiencies were noted, a new district manager was in already in place. It seems that Bob was aware of this trend and used it to his advantage. So long as he hit his sales quotas and kept customers happy, all would be well. The case states that every Cooper Pharmaceutical detailer was evaluated in terms of both sales volume and improvement in his or her relationships with customers. From this statement one could conclude that Bob should have retained his job. His sales volumes were constant yearly, sometimes increasing. He also, evident from the multiple inquiries from current customers upon his termination, maintained wonderful working relationships with his customers. The evaluation process at Cooper Pharmaceuticals is what perpetuated Bob’s employment with the company. While looking at just the sales numbers, Bob appeared to be a great employee. However, there are other factors to consider when evaluating employees. Most managers or supervisors would likely agree that they wished their employees follow their instructions when prompted to do so. To ensure that a case similar to Bob’s does not become the norm at Cooper Pharmaceuticals there are three steps that management should take. One, they should maintain a better record keeping process of employment evaluations. It is possible that because this example occurred during the 1980s, record keepi ng was maintained on paper rather than computers. However, that does not excuse an employee who repeatedly makes the same mistakes to be retained. Two, there should be a  more streamlined transition process for an outgoing district manager to pass on files/documentation to the new district manager. For example, Bob was placed on probation by Vince Reed that required him to improve performance to an acceptable level within 90 days. However, upon Vince Reed’s subsequent transfer, no one followed up on Bob’s performance. Bob’s probationary status had â€Å"evaporated.† Three, they should enact a three-strike policy. One could receive a strike for failing to reach sales quotas, not following management’s instructions, or falling customer relations. An employee would be fired following strike three. Doing this step would make the threat of termination a tangible thought, employees would be fully aware that constant missteps and mess-ups will not be tolerated. The thought of Bob Marsh being reinstated or there being any legal ramifications for Cooper Pharmaceuticals is laughable. Bob was given the chance to improve his faults on multiple occasions, yet he failed to do so for any extended period of time. He took advantage of the fact that each new district manager gave him the chance to improve. Then, his performance would slip little by little, but by this time a new district manager would be in place and the process would repeat itself. Not until Ted Franklin took over did the process change course. Ted looked over all of Bob’s previous deficiencies and realized that his record was not good and Bob would have to follow an outline given to him and complete weekly reading assignments. Not only did Bob fail to follow this agreement, he accepted his subsequent termination with little resistance or comment. The fact that Bob would call Cooper Pharmaceuticals and say he was treated unfairly is preposterous. He should be thankful for his twelve years of employment at the company and that none of his previous district managers were as competent or paid as close attention to detail as Ted Franklin. Yes, Bob appears to have maintained great relationships with his customers, and as we learned in class 80% of sales tends to come from 20% of the customers. So it is, realistically, a possibility that some business would be lost from the decision to terminate Bob. However, a company with the reputation of Cooper Pharmaceuticals should not keep an employee simply because a few clients from one sales region want him to be retained. Certain offers, such as incentives or promotions could be provided to these customers in attempt to ensure their repeated business and prove that not just Bob can provide great service and keep them happy customers. In addition, Cooper  Pharmaceuticals should, while not being defamatory or slanderous, fully outline the faults Bob possessed as an employee and effectively relay these as the reasons of his termination to Bob’s accounts. So, to answer this case’s central question, this termination happened to Bob Marsh because of Bob Marsh.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

An Overview Of Learning Three Theoretical Perspectives Education Essay

There are countless positions on the acquisition procedure, understanding the mechanisms of and our apprehension of larning as theory and the practical application of methodological analysis has evolved well over clip. Each theory contributes to our apprehension of how scholars integrate information and experiences from their environment. This has deductions for single growing and besides for institutional policy and pattern. In this paper I will reexamine three theoretical positions on acquisition, viz. the Constructivist/Cognitivist position, the Phenomenographic position, and the Socio-cultural position, I will depict the salient characteristics and features of each theory, and compare the similarities and differences across positions. This will include a treatment of how learners entree information, make sense of that information, and act on it in deliberate and purposeful ways as a agency of prosecuting with the universe. From there I will look into what these larning theories emphasize or give relevancy to the constructs of context, significance, and experience. The assorted positions each have something to state about the relationship between context, significance, and experience as they relate to acquisition, nevertheless the importance of these nucleus constructs differs in how each theory conceptualizes acquisition, and the importance of the function of context, significance, and experience. Finally, I will reason with illustrations that bring these positions to life in my mundane experience, and I will adhere these theories together within a cohesive apprehension of acquisition and instruction as it relates to the interrelatedness of the constructs of intrinsic motive, fluctuation, and transportation.Three theoretical positions on larningThere are legion theories of acquisition, each stressing a peculiar characteristic of the learning experience. Assorted theories of larning besides depict larning in different ways depending on the point of view of the perceiver. Each theory emphasizes thoughts related to context, significance, and experience in different ways as they relate to acquisition, both from the position of the scholar and from the instructor/teacher/coach/mentor.Constructivist/Cognitivist Perspectiveâ€Å" Objectivity is the psychotic belief that observations could bemade without an perceiver † ( von Foerster, 1995, pg. 5 )The Constructivist theoretical orientation holds that cognition is acquired experientially, is mediated by our anterior apprehension, and is based on the belief that we learn by making instead than detecting, and that cognition is built upon old acquisition. â€Å" The indispensable nucleus of constructivism is that scholars actively construct their ain cognition and intending from their experiences ( Doolittle, pg 1 ) Piaget was chiefly concerned with cognitive buildings that occurred as a consequence of interactions with†¦ Constructivism emerged from early surveies of acquisition, behavior, and depth psychology, and the behavioral point of views of Watson, along with Kohler and Koffka ‘s Gestalt psychological science. ( Tools pg. 7 ) Constructivism as theoretical apprehension exists along a continuum from â€Å" weak † to â€Å" strong † signifiers constructivism This is an adaptative procedure whereby behaviors evolve to run into the altering demands of the environment, and knowledge serves to makes sense of subjective experience. ( Doolittle, 1999, 1 ) Constructivism emerged from schools of behaviorism and objectivism, which held that there was a cognizable nonsubjective world that existed independent of the person. Constructivism takes the position that meaningful personal experience is the footing of cognition and acquisition. Persons construct intending within a context of personal experience that is rooted in linguistic communication, civilization, and the societal experiences of each person. There can be no objectively verifiable truth or cognition within constructivism, as each single brings a alone position grounded in their ain old cognizing. Much of this cognition is silent and resides in the inexplicit memory of the scholar, but it exerts its influence and acts as a filter through which the person â€Å" sees † new information and relates it to their apprehension of the universe. Knowledge and therefore acquisition is constructed within the head of the person. Constructivism rejects the impression of an nonsubjective and cognizable world independent of the perceiver, and holds that cognition of the universe is constructed through the active cognitizing on the portion of persons. Constructivism rejects the impression of an oberver-independent universe in favor of cognition reflecting the subjective worlds of the perceiver. ( Glaserfeld, 1989, p. 3 ) Knowledge is non a representation of world, but alternatively a â€Å" aggregation of conceptual constructions that turn out to be adapted or, as I would manner, feasible within the cognizing topic ‘s scope of experience. ( Glaserfeld, 1989, p. 4 ) Within Cognitive constructivism ( account of strategy theory, accomodation, assimilation ) . Cognitive constructivism adheres to theoretical accounts of cognition building that consider the function of memory, cognitive concepts, and scheme without sing to the full the subjective nature of cognition as occupant within the head of the topic. Knowledge in this sense implies an internal representation that accurately reflects an observer-independent external world. ( Doolittle, 1999, 2 ) Extremist constructivism differs from cognitive constructivism by progressing the thought that larning is an adaptative procedure, and that it is observer-dependent and resides in a fluid and dynamic knowledge that considers the subjective experience of cognition building. Extremist constructivism, like societal constructivism, besides accepts societal interactions as informing cognition building. Social constructivism takes the position that societal interactions contribute to cognize, and views the societal and cultural context as grounding cognition â€Å" to a specific clip and topographic point. ( doolittle pg 4 ) These assorted positions exist on a continuum, nevertheless the most cardinal apprehensions are shared. We all hold memories of old experiences ; those collected memories and experiences, both tacit and explicit, go the lens through which we view our current unfolding world. Emerging grounds within the kingdom of neuroscience and interpersonal neurobiology may foretell farther homogenisation of constructivist doctrine and apprehension. Interpersonal neurobiology views the encephalon as a societal organ built through experience. This insight displacements Cognitive Constructivism farther along the continuum in the way of extremist and societal constructivism by imparting back uping grounds to the two staying epistemic dogmas, viz. that â€Å" knowledge organizes and makes sense of one ‘s experience, and that â€Å" knowing has roots in both biological/neurological building, and societal, cultural, and language-based interactions. † ( Doolittle, 1999 ) Learning is transactional, with experience act uponing cognitive building and the fictile cognitive buildings act uponing o ur experience in a dichotomy of experience and subjective world. As Carr provinces, â€Å" †¦ the turning organic structure of grounds makes clear that the memory inside our caputs is the merchandise of an inordinately complex natural procedure that is, at every blink of an eye, finely tuned to the alone environment in which each of us lives and the alone forms of experiences that each of us goes through. † ( Carr, 2010, P. ? ? ) Carr recounts some of the current research on memory and experience, and expands on the thought that our encephalon construction continuously changes with experience ; encephalon malleability, the turning and pruning of synaptic connexions over clip, changes our very memories and our remembrances of experience based on new experiences. ( Carr, 2010, p. 190 ) Researcher Kobi Rosenblum farther describes how memory, which in a sense is our recalled experience, can be a fictile and traveling mark. As he explains, â€Å" ..the human encephalon continues to treat information long after it is received, and the quality of memories depends on how the information is processed. † ( Carr, 2010, p. 191 )Meaning within Cognitivist/Constructivist PerspectiveMeaning as significance for each position, but it is built-in to an apprehension of constructivism. Meaning is cardinal to the intentionality of scholars ; relevancy and significance enhance a scholar ‘s ability to associate with th eir universe. It besides relates to constructs of motive as it relates to a scholars sense of bureau and battle with their experience, ad it highlights the importance of civilization and linguistic communication as societal go-betweens of larning? ? ? ? â€Å" The importance of these memory mechanisms to the development of cognitive psychological science is that, one time understood, they make it really clear that a individual ‘s ability to retrieve points is improved if the points are meaningfully related to each other or to the individual ‘s bing cognition. The cardinal word here is meaningful. â€Å" Wynn pg.4 â€Å" What is meaningful to people is determined by what they can retrieve of what they have already learned † . Wynn pg 4 Opportunities for larning within a constructivist model occur most readily when what is being learned has relevancy or high emotional valency for the scholar ; in other words when information or experiences are meaningful. In order for larning to be meaningful it should be relatable to old cognition and experience. This building-block theoretical account of cognition and experience is wholly consistent with a scholar as meaning-maker. The deductions for learning and educational teaching method are that undertakings that have significance and relevancy tend to be of greater intrinsic involvement to scholars. Research on the experience of larning speaks to the importance of significance as it relates to knowledge building, and speaks of the importance of liberty, bureau, pick, and coaction in driving our instrinsic motivational desires to prosecute in meaningful undertakings, retrieve and remember information, self-organize, and be funny. A larning context rich in significance is important.Context within Cognitivist/Constructivist PositionsLearning occurs most successfully at the intersection of a scholar ‘s old cognition of the universe and the experience of socially mediated interactions with others, and is influenced by all accumulated societal and cultural experiences. ( Bodrova & A ; Leong, 2007, p. 9 ) The context for larning resides within the experience and imaginativeness of the scholar, and is rooted in anterior experience and is mediated by teachers/facilitators and the ecological scene or context. Within this larning context, Feuerstein describes the function of mediation. â€Å" The go-between creates in a individual an attack, a signifier of mention, a desire to understand phenomena, a demand to happen order in them, to understand the order that is revealed, and to make it for oneself. † ( Feuerstein, Feuerstein, & A ; Falik, 2010, p. 37 ) Mediators can take many signifiers, but they portion in common an ability to potentiate a scholar ‘s ability to profit from larning experiences. In the absence of a go-between, even in instances where persons get cognition, they may non â€Å" understand its significance. † ( Feuerstein et al. , 2010, p. 37 )Experience within Cognitivist/Constructivist PositionsAs scholars construct their ain experiential world within a societal and cultural context, the dyadic interactions that unfold connote a grade of coaction and battle with acquisition that is per se motivated by a meaningful context within which larning occurs/unf olds. Collaborative acquisition is by its nature socially constructed acquisition, where the involvement of scholars is cardinal, meaningful, and contextual. Decontextualized acquisition by contrast deficiencies a sense of connexion to the experience of acquisition. Prior experiences of larning are diminished when there is no meaningful context, and reliable experiential acquisition suffers. When pick around construction and content is collaboratively negotiated, scholars are granted a degree of liberty around how and what they learn, and experiences that are meaningful topographic point larning within a context more suited to the acquisition manner, ends, and precedences of the scholar. Kohn emphasizes these conditions of coaction, content, and pick, as making the conditions necessary for reliable and per se motivated larning to emerge. ( Kohn, ? ? ? )Phenomenograpy/Variation Theoryâ€Å" There is no larning without understanding. And there is nounderstanding without fluctuation. † ( Marton, Trigwell, 2000 )The theory of phenomenography is connected with the survey of human experience, peculiarly as it relates to educational research. Phenomenography examines believing and larning within the context of educational research, and seeks apprehension of â€Å" the different ways in which people experience, interpret, understand, perceive, or gestate a phenomenon, or certain facet of world. † ( Orgill, ? ? ? ? ) Marton defines phenomenography as â€Å" a qualitative research methodological analysis, within the interpretivist paradigm, that investigates the qualitatively different ways in which people experience something or believe about something † ( Marton, 1986 ) . One of the cardinal epistemic dogmas? ? ? related to Phenomenographic theory relates to constructs of fluctuation, understanding, and transportation. Marton postulates that in order for larning to happen, â€Å" †¦ at that place must needfully be a form of fluctuation nowadays to see, and this form must be experienced † . ( Marton, fluctuation, pg.1 ) . In order for larning to happen, scholars must see a broad scope of fluctuation in experience, with sameness or similarity lending small to our apprehension of experience. Variation and difference create a broader context for understanding experience, and besides spread out our repertory when meeting fresh state of affairss or fortunes. This transportation of acquisition is built-in to variation theory and a cardinal underpinning of phenomenography. Experiencing difference or fluctuation may be likened to experiences of cognitive disagreement within constructivist theoretical accounts of acquisition, where an single experiences disagreement and a disturbance and must set their construct of this new information within their existing paradigm. How we categorize, makes sens e of, or place with that difference relates to our understanding accomplishments. Discernment allows a topic to see or feel an experience â€Å" against the background of his or her old experiences of something more or less different. † ( Marton, pg.386 ) . In kernel, as topics experience greater fluctuation they become more attuned to progressively subtle differences between the â€Å" physical, cultural, symbolic, or animal universe † that they inhabit. ( Marton, pg 386 ) Every phenomenon that is experienced merely in contrast to jump experiences of the same phenomenon ( marton, pg 387 ) The deductions for teaching method centre on the use of the objects of fluctuation in order for scholars to see fluctuation, go expert at discerning, and reassign larning across state of affairss. â€Å" Excellence in instruction has really much to make with what facets of the object of larning are subjected to fluctuation, and what facets of the object are capable to fluctuation at the same time. † ( Marton, pg. 391 ) Subjects learn to pull off freshness as a consequence of holding experienced freshness through fluctuation. ( Marton, pg. 394 ) . Transportation is concerned with how â€Å" what is learned in one state of affairs affects or influences what the scholar is capable of making in another situation. â€Å" ( Marton, pg. 499 )Meaning within Phenomenographic/Variation Theory PerspectiveContext within Phenomenographic/Variation Theory PerspectiveA construct that illuminates thoughts of context within the phenomenographic position relates to constructs of located acqui sition. Situated in this case â€Å" refers to what surrounds the learning event ; that is, to the socially constructed life-world in which a peculiar case of larning occurs. † ( Sameness in transportation, pg. 511 ) Sameness and difference in larning and experience are acknowledged, nevertheless â€Å" †¦ the extent to which we can do usage of something we have learned in one state of affairs to manage another state of affairs is a mom Decision Learning is non merely geting new information and hive awaying it on top of the information we already have. It involves run intoing something unexpected ( what? ? ? might depict as a disturbance ) , something that can non be easy explained by those theories or apprehensions we have already developed. To decide that struggle we have to alter what we antecedently believed ( kohn, pg 187? ? ) This account is the tie that binds constructivism, fluctuation, theory and strategy theory to societal acquisition, along with thoughts of motive and personal bureau.