Friday, November 8, 2019

Character of Catcher in the Rye essays

Character of Catcher in the Rye essays Holden is the protagonist and the narrator of the novel. He is a 16-year-old junior who has been expelled from Pencey Prep for academic failure. Holden is very intelligent, and sensitive, but he narrated the novel in a cynical and jaded tone. He thinks everyone is phony, and believes that he looks much older than he his. Ackley is Holdens next-door neighbor in the dormitory at Pencey Prep. Ackley often barges into Holdens room and doesnt seem to take the hint to leave. Stradlater is Holdens roommate at Pencey Prep. He is a handsome, self-satisfied, and popular, but he is in Holdens words, a secret slob. He appears well groomed, but his razor and other toiletries are disgustingly filthy. Holden spent a lot of time with Jane one summer in Maine. Jane never actually appears in the book, but Holden talks about her all the time because she is one of the few girls Holden respects and finds attractive. Phoebe is Holdens younger sister, whom he loves dearly. Although she is six years younger than Holden, she listens to what he says and understands him more than other people. Allie is Holdens younger brother who died of leukemia three years before the start of the novel. Holden describes him as a brilliant, friendly, redheaded boy. Allie was the smartest of the Caulfields and Holden is tormented by his death. D.B. is Holdens older brother who wrote a collection of short stories, which Holden loves. D.B. lives in Hollywood and prostitutes his writing talents by writing for Hollywood movies. Sally is a very attractive girl that Holden has known and dated for a long time. Holden thinks that Sally is stupid. Mr. Spencer is Holdens history teacher at Pencey Prep, who unsuccessfully tries to sh ...

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