Monday, May 20, 2019

Gun Control Persuasive Essay

I. Its late at wickedness and youre in bed. You hear a loud crashing noise orgasm from a nonher room and it jolts you awake. You hear things being rustled and quiet whispers. You begin to panic and look around for something to defend yourself with. Nothing. Because you live in Ferguson and tried to purchase a triggerman to protect you from the coming storm of the one thousand Jury decision that was to be released but found that the political sympathies banned the sale of guns a dyad days before.II. Ferguson artillery unit Shop videoIII. Opinion gaseous state temper is stripping away your cover to protect yourself via the second Amendment which states a well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and pitch arms shall not be infringed. I believe todays gun control laws are cloging us from doing so in a personal manner that adequately protects us from todays threats. There is a massive need for the public voice in this issue instead of it being left to our ineffective, corporation bought politicians. exhibit more How does federalism protect against tyranny essayBodyI. To better guess why the language of the 2nd amendment was used in such a way at to regarding arming individuals and maintaining militias, its necessary to understand the history of the people who wrote it. A foundation of political thought during the Revolutionary period was the well justify concern about political corruption and political tyranny. The right to bear arms was a potential check against tyranny. According to Sandra Alters in her book Gun Control Restricting Rights or Protecting People, without guns in the hands of the early patriots, the fledgling republic might bring quickly turned tyrannical, disarmed the people at will. II. Ron Paul videoIII. The argument made that gun control prevents force out is not a strong one. Guns dupet kill people people kill people. Regulations controlling the sale of guns to a pe rson do little to stop a criminal whose intent is to commit a crime. A gun doesnt make a person kill someone committing arobbery, their intent does. They could easily substitute the gun for a knife and have the same outcome. Mark Tushnet, a professor at Harvard Law School, is quoted in Sanford Levinsons article noting, that event like the recent mass murder at Virginia Tech would have immediately generated responses that 1. Effective gun control laws would have prevented the tragedy and 2. That if students or administrators been armed, instead of afflicted with a gun free campus (save, of course, criminals), they could have effectively limited the carnage. (Truth is whether gun control laws were effective here or not, a violent criminal act here was committed. Seems like gun control laws did not prevent it but rather impeded the possibility of the violence being stopped sooner.IV. We are given the right to bear arms so we should be able to adequately arm ourselves in a fashion that best protects us from todays modern-day threats. There has already been an attack on U.S. grunge lest we forget 9/11. The Boston Marathon bombing, the terrorists running through neighborhoods hiding in perhaps your backyard. The government officials who do not discover to the public voice, militarizing the police force, decides what we can or cannot own. We have seen a dish out lately of police brutality, Ferguson MO, and here at home in Cleveland OH, L.A. riots over Rodney King. These examples of civil unrest and governmental backlash are unnerving to me and should be to you. With Uncle Sam flexing its political muscle in Ferguson to disarm the people, is that not a sign of governmental tyranny? De Facto Martial law?How do you protect yourself if in accompaniment one day, and perhaps sooner than you think, there is a new Revolution we face. The government is failing to listen to the people, America is not popular in the world, and there is an underground movement already starte d against the government. Gun Control is the governments way to hide the dissarment of the American people and cloak it in the name of violence prevention. Dont believe that your government would ever turn on you? Neither did Japanese Americans the night after Pearl Harbor when they were rounded up and forced into governmental camps.Conclusion.I. I implore you to answer your 2nd Amendment right and to support organizations like the NRA. Research the politicians you elect and see where they stand on this real important issue. Dont be blinded by the rhetoric propaganda the government and media spews to the public sheep. iodine day yourlife, liberties and freedom may very well rely on it, just like it did three hundred+ years ago. II. Gun Control shortvidWorks CitedAlters, Sandra M. Gun Control Restricting Rights or Protecting People? Detroit Gale, 2007. Kentlink.Web. 15.Oct.2014.Wright, Stephen E. Gun Control Laws Will Not Save Lives Guns and Crime. Ed. Chrisitine Watkins. Detroit Greenhaven, 2012. At Issue .Rpt. Anti-Gun Group Common Sense Gun Laws and Real Common Sense. 2010. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 31.Oct.2014.Levinson, Sanford.Guns and the Constitution A Complex Relationship.Reviews in American History. mint 36.1(2008) Electronic Journal Center.Web.15.Oct.2014 Doeden, Matt. Gun Control Preventing Violence or Crushing Constitutional Rights? Minneapolis, MN. Twenty-First vitamin C Books, 2012. OhioLinks. 15.Oct.2014

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